A Csíkszerda gyerekkarának idei önálló koncertje az egyik őselem, a VíZ köré épül. Legkülönbözőbb formái...
A Boldogasszony ünnepkör mentén haladunk a természet rendjével és szeretettel hívlak a soron következő...
A reneszánsz és korabarokk időszaka, úgy tűnik, sokkal természetesebben emeli be műzenéjébe a távoli...
This is how old Csíkszerda is
Parts of the choir family

The large choir that rehearsed on Wednesdays, which eventually grew into the entire choir family.

A lot of us gather at Thursday rehearsals to practice a great project, just like on Wednesdays.

The choir family's enthusiastic and skillful small children's choir.

Song can change lives, it is the most powerful form of communication. It has a healing power that, in tradition, from the deepest pain to the greatest joy, washes through the body and soul through the power of the words in the stories, and in this emotional wash we experience wholeness.

The love of Renaissance music brought the chamber choir to life, which, as the newest formation of the Csík family, first appeared before the audience at the Winter Choirs Night.

“Every person has a song in their soul…” and this song is sung together every Monday by the members of the HeyMonday Chamber Choir. The choir was formed in the fall of 2022 as a member of the Csíkszerda choir family.

Cheeky has been an active chamber choir of the Csíkszerda choir family since 2018, and its artistic directors are Rita Kardos and Anna Zalavári.